Film Production Studio
Prominyo is an independently run film production studio, focused on producing fictional narrative content. Founded in 2022 by Shawn Kosmakos, Prominyo makes films that delve into the weird, wacky, and absurd.
About our Company
Prominyo is an award winning, Bay-Area based, independent film production studio. Our studio specializes in long-form, narrative films, but we also offer a wide range of opportunities for passionate & talented short-form filmmakers. We always like to push ourselves to make the biggest and best movies we can!
Want to see what Prominyo has going on first hand? Or maybe just another reason to get out of the house? Check out all of our upcoming events!
Our Latest Films
Take a look at our latest films from extremely talented local filmmakers from around the Bay Area, with more always on the way!
Check them out!Film Production Services
Prominyo offers a full suite of film production services, which includes pre-production, filming, post-production management, and distribution. Submit your script to us and we'll talk about how to move forward on bringing your vision to life.
Commercial Production Services
Your brand is valuable, and we're here to highlight that for you. Prominyo produces and distributes high-quality brand videos for your business to fit any and all advertisement needs you have.
Prominyo Commercials & New Media Videos
See the latest commercials & advertisements we've made for other businesses!
Take a look!